Why Our Family Gives to NOVA
"My kids still applaud and honor NOVA for the impact those middle school years made on their lives, even now that three of them are in college and beyond. That's why we give."
Why do we give? Each of my five children found something special, something personally motivating, something energizing and empowering at NOVA. Each of my children was (and is) very different from the others. When they attended NOVA, they had different academic and personal needs. Nevertheless, NOVA provided a nourishing ecosystem where each of them thrived. We know there are many kids out there who need a school like NOVA. And my family wants NOVA to be there to nourish those kids, too--each new year of 6th graders.
So we give to help NOVA keep its ecosystem vibrant and joyful and ready to serve its students. Thank you, NOVA Middle School, for your unique, amazing culture of experiences and curiosity! Thank you, NOVA teachers, for your dedication and imagination and intentional craft! My kids still applaud and honor NOVA for the impact those middle school years made on their lives, even now that three of them are in college and beyond. That's why we give.
-The Hoppe Family
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